
We love to celebrate birthdays, holidays, National “whatever is special” Day, such as the Birthday of Oreos, Tacky Day, Fair Day, Peanut Day or any of the other hundreds of “National” days! Our Bible Study at noon each Wednesday is led by local ministers or volunteer lay speakers. Communion is available the first of each month, served by volunteers from Eastman First United Methodist Church. We play Bingo regularly, work on puzzles, sing around the piano, have church and school groups come visit and perform, sit around and have coffee time, and enjoy popcorn and a movie. Activities are driven by what our residents want and change monthly.

As a Resident, you are free to attend whatever you choose to attend or you may prefer to stay in your room and read, watch your TV, work on something of interest or simply take a nap. You are not required to attend activities, however we encourage it because it is a chance to socialize with the other residents, staff and visitors.


Contact Dogwood Gardens

1222 Plaza Ave., Eastman, GA 31023

Phone: 478-374-3303

Fax: 478-374-2015

Message Dogwood Gardens